Thursday, September 20, 2007

New Baby for the Kinnons

Hi Susan, Funny you should ask.... I am emailing you from our hospital room! William Aaron (Will) Kinnon was born Tuesday, September 18 at 4:31 am - 7 lbs 7oz, 20 1/2 inches long. It was an extremely fast labor and we are both doing great - hoping to go home this morning. I am continually awed by God's goodness and His sweet sweet blessings and his faithfulness to us. I've attached a couple pictures. I read Shannon's blog post - good questions she had about readying our family's hearts for worship. Does Erik post anywhere what the scripture passage will be for each Sunday? When he's following along in 1 Corinthians, it's easy to know, but that's not always the case. When you mentioned inductively reading the scripture before each Sunday, I thought that was such a great idea (and why didn't I ever think to do that before?) And yes, I have to agree with Shannon, the past two worship services have been extremely powerful and sweet. I think starting with the Word and then worshipping in song, as a response to God's Word, and all together (everyone there) has just been awesome. Hope you and Mike are doing well. I'm sure Mike is busy with the new classes he is teaching, but I'm equally sure he is enjoying excercising his gift. Beth

1 comment:

RBraun said...

Congratulations Beth!! I can't wait to meet the new little baby Kinnon! Also, I'm very impressed that you managed to post something just one day after having a baby! :)